Unexpected and First Gift in My Life

Praveen Kumar
2 min readNov 20, 2022


I just wanna share my emotions and I know it is silly to hear for the readers, about the title. But sometimes in life not all people get what you easily can get.

Obviously, many people will be getting gifts or birthday presents from their closed ones and friends. But, in my case I never got a one. I always expected that someone will gift me, but never received anything. Sometimes, I think about it like, “Is there not even a single person to gift me??” and move on. The days pass by and I stopped expecting things. Sometimes, I feel when I see people receive gifts, not jealousy just a sad feeling.

Happy Moment

Then, I met this friend a couple of days ago, at the beginning we were like a complete strangers and then later we got connected so well. I didn’t know what made her to gift me but I was so surprised and I just can’t believe its happening to me. I was having a moment there and so much emotions, a big thank you to my special friend. It means a lot to me.

It will always be a special gift in my life.

These little moments matter a lot. I love the unexpected friendships I made this year. And one thing, what ever I wanted to be in my life, it wasn’t. Only, the unexpected things stay with me and I’m happy about it that happened to me.

I just wanted to rant my emotions as I can’t keep it to myself. Just wanted to tell people that who are waiting for these moments in your life, expect the unexpected things to happen.

Thank You for Reading!

