Praveen Kumar
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

Hello & Welcome to My First Blog Post



Hey there, Blogosphere! Welcome to my first blog post! My name is Praveen and I am a Computer Science graduate. I got the best education from my college and made many good friends. Life is so much more and I believe good health begins in the heart, mind and in the soul. I will always research my posts and bring you content that is honest and real. I will never suggest anything that I haven’t tried or have researched and know the facts about.

Why I Start My Blog?

Long back I have read my friend’s blog (

)and it was great and that was the beginning of my interest in blogging .After that, I was in dilemma to proceed further or not and now for the past two days, I was reconsidering the thought and finally decided to start a blog and express my thoughts to the world. Even though the world is digitalized there are people who have passion for blogs.


Blogging was emerged since late 1990s,and mostly it is the work of a single individual or group that covers a particular subject or topic. A typical blog contains text, images and links to other blogs or pages. The readers can comment ,suggest ,give feedback and interact with each other publicly.

These are the main contributions to the popularity of the page. There are different types of blogs which differ in content and written way, and they are

  1. Personal Blogs
  2. Business Blogs
  3. Niche Blogs
  4. Affiliate Blogs
  5. News Blogs
  6. Microblogging

Even now in the world of Twitter, Facebook, etc. Blogging is never off the style.

What you will be seeing in my posts?

You will be seeing my personal stories, technical stuffs and also my inner voice/feelings that will make you interesting to read and give you knowledge as well. I am no expert on any of this. I’m a newbie here ,so people can share their reading experience, comments ,suggestions and feedbacks. it will be motivational and helpful to improve my flaws. People can also suggest ideas or topics ,so it can be posted here.

Let the inner voice begin!

If you have any queries or suggestions

Contact me:


LinkedIn Profile:

Thank You for reading!